Better with Trojan Guarder Gold

Better with Trojan Guarder Gold

Antivirus programs such as Bit Defender or Norton Antivirus 2005 almost only work to identify and eliminate computer worms, viruses ... And for the Trojan almost ineffective.

So it's best to equip yourself with a Trojan-like tool like YOUR-SOFT Trojan Guarder Gold. That way, your computer will avoid the risk of data loss as more and more types of Trojans are created by hackers. Through testing it is really powerful and can completely protect you.


On the first start, the program will conduct a system-wide check to find the active Trojan hidden in the computer. In the illustration the program immediately identified Trojan Ehtray although the computer has the protection of antivirus program Norton Antivirus 2005 with the latest updated identity database. If detected, Trojan Guarder Gold will ask you to disable the Trojan. Please accept the requirements set by the program.

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- Windows Ghost: Works like Norton Ghost of Symantec to avoid the nuisance Trojan brought. Especially features Deny Hacker, Deny Anonymous protect the computer against unauthorized access from outside. Whenever you configure an option, you must restart the computer for them to take effect.

- IE Doctor: Designed to protect Microsoft's IE browser from hijacking and other adware hijacking.

By default, the program is always working in order to be able to detect when the trojan is activated. If you feel safe then you can disable the tracking feature by pressing the Sleeping button. You can scan entire hard drive partitions to find hidden trojans by clicking the Scan Disk button.

With that said, Trojan Guarder Gold is worth a look in your software collection. The program is available at: It's about 1.7 MB in trial format, fully compatible with Windows operating system