Email asynchronously on Windows 10, this is how to fix the error

Email asynchronously on Windows 10, this is how to fix the error
After updating Windows, Outlook on my computer stopped synchronizing emails and did not load any new emails. While my accounts have synchronized before, Hotmail account stops syncing. In this case I have to do how to fix the error. Ask: After updating Windows, Outlook on my computer stopped synchronizing emails and did not load any new emails. While my accounts have synchronized before, Hotmail account stops syncing. In this case I have to do something to fix the error. Reply:

1. Outlook asynchronously

Open Outlook, and then click File tab . At Info, click Account Settings and open your account setup. Mở Outlook On the Account Settings page, select the account Asynchronous email , then click the button Repair.

Chọn tài khoản email không đồng bộ

The dialog box appears Repair Account , select your settings and fill out the information in the boxes and then click next

Lúc này trên màn hình xuất hiện hộp thoại Repair Account

Outlook will begin the process of repairing your account.

Sửa tài khoản Outlook

This will trigger a network connection, look up your email account settings, and log on to the server to confirm that everything is OK. After the process is complete, click on the link Change Account , check the settings and click on Next.

Sau khi quá trình hoàn tất, click chọn link Change Account

Outlook will check your account settings and show you notifications.

Outlook sẽ kiểm tra các thiết lập tài khoản và hiển thị thông báo cho bạn.

Click Close on the dialog box and click on select finish

Click Close trên hộp thoại rồi click chọn Finish.

Restart Outlook and check for errors.

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