ADX Toys 2: Programming for Word

ADX Toys 2: Programming for Word

The setup asks if you need to programmatically; The specific field, the field and the field. l & agrave; A translation program to translate the source program. However, when you want to interpret a & yacute; Meaning and Definition; in English; You need to edit the text to expressions & yacute; c. However, when copying or pasting a piece of code, the following problems will occur:

& bull; & nbsp; Parallel copy of the clipboard pattern.
& bull; & nbsp; C & Stable formats are due to different formats.
& bull; & nbsp; biggest disadvantage; It takes you very long to calibrate your order. & Ldquo; The problem needs to be copied to v & agrave; paste through word.

To overcome the drawback, the ADX Toys 2 Add-in will let you do the formatting according to c & uacute; Create a Word document while editing Word.
& nbsp;
Add-ins will appear when you edit. You just need to select the text to format, click r & ecirc; Mouse to select languages ​​(support for English, VB, C, Java, C # ...). V & agrave; Click & amp; o & nbsp; l & agrave; Select text atilde; in proper language. Very fast and easy. convenient.
702KB free extras. Similar to Word 2000. Download at & nbsp;

Pham L & ecirc; Minh Dinh