Microsoft Unveils Monad Vista Protection

Microsoft Unveils Monad Vista Protection

Over the weekend, Microsoft said that Monad & ndash would not. The new command & dir; In the Windows Vista operating system, to protect your operating system, you need to be protected from viruses as soon as they are due to start up and freeze.
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Replace & reload; Microsoft says Monad will be provided with a copy of the new operating system. at & ndate; l & agrave; Longhorn Server will be launched in 2007.
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Stephen Toulouse, manager of In Microsoft's security patches, the latest version of Windows Vista will not be released. Monad. Thus, the virus will not be detected. c. You can use the tools to accelerate your operating system.
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& Ldquo; Microsoft's response to the announcement 5 Example of the & mdash; Dangerous Can take advantage of Monad to tune Vista. & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Windows Vista Home Premium.
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Monad is known for calling MSH & agrave; An alternative to the simple command-line driver in the previous version of Windows. Monad is more level with more functions similar to Unix's Bash.
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Monad is still in the queue. Try running the test.