List of products by manufacturer Bricsys

Bricsys operates in 54 countries and has a network of dealers around the world that distribute products and provide support. Bricsys products are available in all major languages. Today Bricsys has more than 30,000 customers. The number of clients has increased by 45% over the past 3 years and continues to grow rapidly. The advantage of Bricsys is the development and ability to translate the requirements and wishes of users into a product that combines high performance and an intuitive interface. BricsCad updates and publishes knowledge bases and development reports almost weekly. Bricsys, thanks to its technology, provides support to every user, regardless of its location. Bricsys customers are leading in their fields and therefore require high-quality support. We are proud to carry out this task. Bricsys always offers customers to contact Bricsys directly.

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