List of products by manufacturer Компания ШЕЛС

Company SHELS is the leading national software developer in the field of geoinformation technologies and land management. SHELS offers a complete set of completed technological solutions for automation of land cadastral work. The company's clients are many large industrial and state land management enterprises. A comprehensive approach to process automation and the latest developments of the SHELS Company allow the company's customers to be ahead of competitors.

Currently, the main developments of the Company SHELS for Russia are such programs:

PLEASE 2 & mdash; The program is designed to calculate estimates for the implementation of land-cadastral and design and survey work. Contains the collections of prices of the CNTT 1996, SUR 2002, SBC 2004, SBC 2006.

MapDraw 2 & mdash; A program for displaying, creating, modifying and searching for spatial information. Allows you to display, create and modify files in the internal and external Shp / Shx / Dbf format of the ArcGis / ArcView program, coordinate and vectorize raster materials and orthophotomaps.

GisMapServer & mdash; Cartographic server for the program HIC6 and MapDraw 2. The application allows you to significantly speed up the process of creating images for the client, to release LAN traffic, and also to secure access to vector and graphic data located on the server.

GisWebClient & mdash; Web client providing access to geo-spatial information connected to GisMapServer through the web interface. Allows you to check the location of the selected exchange files relative to the existing raster and vector information.

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items