List of products by manufacturer Информ-Защита

The direction of activity of the company "Inform-Protection": - Sale of licensed software of world famous manufacturers: Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, VERITAS Software, Borland, Symantec, Novell, Autodesk Inc. and etc. - Development of specialized software; - Development of corporate databases; - IP-telephony and means of communication; - Laying local networks using the network solutions of the world's largest manufacturers (Microsoft, Sun, Novell, RedHat, etc.); - Connecting corporate networks to the Internet; - Consulting services in the field of security; - Development of a wide range of Internet projects, including on the basis of ready-made solutions; - Creation of Internet-offices, network offices, websites, online stores, portals and much more; - Development of distance learning systems, billing and control, accounting of Internet traffic, accounting systems; - Service maintenance of computer equipment and corporate networks; - Supply of computer equipment on mutually beneficial terms.

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