Product Manager Symantec Talk About Privacy

Product Manager Symantec Talk About Privacy

Symantec's product manager, Kraig Lane, talks about current cyber-security threats and offers some tips for users to make sure their computers are "safe."

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Kraig This is the time to talk about security. I always remind the first person is to apply the experience as when shopping in the real store. If you do not find the site's security policy, if you find a lot of spelling mistakes or are incredibly inexpensive, I suggest that you move on to another site, as if we were leaving the store if the store was located. The real world makes you feel unhappy.

What other danger?

Kraig As the bad guys know there are always so many people buying and selling during the holiday season, many deals are made and this is a great time to look for credit card numbers and consumer information. is traveling somewhere on the Internet. I remind everyone to check whether the security software of the site in general has been updated or not.

There are many new products and services that can protect you more. Credit card companies, for example, have a solution to help consumers feel better when shopping on the Web. Customers now have a one-time use credit card number. They issue a credit card number which can only be effective once. You type that number into the order form on a website and it will go to your credit account but that number will not be re-used. If the thieves get that number and try to use it for sale, that's just useless credit card numbers.

Norton Internet Security software has a feature that alerts users whenever their credit card information or social security number is sent from their computer. So if you type your credit card number into an online order form then it will inform you that your credit card has been sent. You can say this is okay because you are ordering. But if you are browsing a website and your credit card number is sent at that time, you have the opportunity to block it.

Spyware, adware and key-stroke logging are new programs with some people. How do they get into the computer?

Kraig Log keystrokes are often attached to a trojan - the program is disguised as something valuable and you will install it, but it's actually a malicious program. Previously, computer users had to do some work to install a Trojan horse, but now with the rapid spread of Internet worms, spammers just sit on their computers without doing anything. . As long as the scammer's computer is connected to the Internet or he is visiting a website, one of these spyware can still be secretly installed on your computer. In Norton, we call them "extended threats."

What about Adware?

Kraig Adware is attached to a piece of software, usually a shareware or a cheap program. The reason is cheap because they buy information about you. It's the same as in a grocery store where groups keep track of what you are buying and they sell that information to advertisers, in return they will discount you.

I use my personal information like money. I can sell my information to someone but in exchange I must get something. What I do not want to see is the hands of others in my pocket when I do not know who they are.

Spyware uses adware in a way that you can not even know and it will steal your credit card information, social security numbers, passwords as you type them on the keyboard - and as such they become identity thieves. yours.

So are there viruses in the keystroke and will record the information and send that information to another server?

Kraig Most spyware falls into the keystok logger category, where they can track what you're typing on your keyboard and summon as soon as the information appears. Some other spyware will only find certain types of files that they know are extremely valuable. Quicken files were previously targeted to a lot of people because they are a popular program with many users and they contain a lot of information. In particular, older Quicken versions do not have many security programs in them, and if the user does not encrypt those quicken files, things are a lot easier. If possible, they can even send the whole file to yourself and this will allow bad guys to check your Quicken files daily and break into them whenever they want.

Many people are concerned about personal firewalls. What are they and why are they important?

Kraig : Many people hear the firewall is scared. Its origins come from high-rise buildings that have special walls to prevent fire from spreading throughout the building in the event of a fire. The Internet is similar. When there is a "fire" - a large worm is spread - the firewall will prevent the worm from spreading on your computer. It's really useful for computers with regular Internet connections with DSL or cable modems. Even with dial-up modem users, we also see that with the worm spreading, your computer only takes 10, 15 minutes to get infected while you are checking e-mail.

Symantec uses the term "Integrated Security". What is the reason users should choose this protection?

Kraig Everyone today has installed anti-virus software on their computers, although many people do not regularly update it. I find that most users do not know the difference between an Internet worm that can be deflected by a firewall or a virus that can be caught by an antivirus software. They only think in general that they are evil. I would like to introduce you to a box called "Norton Internet Security" that combines everything you need for today's security. It includes security features such as antivirus and firewall software, and it also has a technology called Intrusion Detection that keeps worms and viruses from reaching certain parts of your computer. . It also has other features that make your online time more pleasant like limiting pop-up advertisements and spam filtering. You can buy each of these features, but I suggest you buy what I call "Greatest Hits Album", here we guarantee everything will work in a unified and you are not. Worry about the threat each attack. You know we have protection everywhere.