Do Thám Máy Tính Lân Cận Dành Cho Nhà Quản Trị Mạng

Do Thám Máy Tính Lân Cận Dành Cho Nhà Quản Trị Mạng

Một số người trong chúng ta muốn can thiệp vào các gói tin gửi đi trên mạng cho mục đích riêng đặc biệt là những người quản trị mạng. Trước đây người ta chỉ biết đến mềm Ethereal hoặc Iris để phân tích giao thông trên mạng và can thiêp hoặc xem các dữ liệu được truyền đi. Còn một công cụ khác là NetworkActiv PIAFCTM có thể sử dụng tốt cho việc này. Đặc biệt NetwordActiv là một chương trình miễn phí.

Đừng vi phạm luật

Cảnh báo: Xem các tin truyền trên mạng không phải của bạn là bất hợp pháp ở một số nơi. Kiểm tra lại luật quy định trước khi muốn chặn lại hoặc xem bất kỳ gói dữ liệu nào lưu chuyển trên mạng không phải của mình.

Thực hiện các bước sau

1. Chắc chắn bạn đang sử dụng Windows 2000 hoặc phiên bản mới hơn.
2. Mở NetwordActiv và chọn kiểu file để lấy tất cả các gói tin TCP/IP ứng dụng nhận được và tái tạo lại chúng vào thành tập tin.
3. Trả gói tin lại cho mạng và trong thời gian một giờ bạn có thể bắt hàng trăm trang web và đối thoại IM di chuuyển qua mạng của bạn nêu mạng lớn.

Nên sử dụng thế nào?

Bên cạnh việc do thám những người trong mạng (điều này không nên thực hiện nếu không được phép của họ), biết các thông tin được gửi dưới dạng ký tự rõ ràng sẽ giúp bạn đánh giá cái nào cần phải mã hóa trước khi gởi đi đê bảo mật thông tin.

Thông tin thêm bằng Tiếng Anh:


NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.0

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If you are new to NetworkActiv PIAFCTM, feel free to download the demo version.

While you are here, check out all the extra features you get with the full version. If you wish to see what the full version looks like, click the link entitled "View screenshots" (located above).

NetworkActiv understands that you don't have hundreds of dollars to throw around, that is why this software has been made available at such a reasonable price.

Quick information:

Release date:


Single license price:


Supported OS's:

Windows(c) 2000 / XP / 2003

As of 2004.April.25, an issue in which NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver only captured the outgoing network traffic on the Realtek RTL8139 (and possibly other adapters) has been resolved.

As of 2004.April.22, NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver supports Windows(c) 2003.


Unlike an ordinary packet analyzer, NetworkActiv PIAFCTM allows you to choose between two different modes of analyzation,

Mode 1 (Packet Interceptor)
While in this mode, PIAFCTM captures and analyzes network data packets. PIAFCTM allows you to view special information encoded in each packet such as the source and destination IP addresses, the source and destination ports, and many other pieces of information. When capturing using the NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver, data is captured at the ethernet level allowing you to see the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of each computer from which you have received packets. Many packets can be captured in a short period of time, and so you may not wish to view them all. With PIAFCTM, you can filter the capturing of packets by IP address, port, packet size, protocol, and/or text-sub-string searching of each packet's content. Also, you can search for a text-sub-string within the current list of packets, save the list of packets to a text file, view the data payload content of each packet (in Hex, Decimal, Text, or standard Hex+Text style), and more.

Mode 2 (HTTP File Interceptor)
With this mode, you can capture images, web-pages, web-page initiated HTTP downloads, and more. This is done by the automated capturing and analyzing of HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) specific packets. When PIAFCTM sees an HTTP file transfer hidden in the mass of packets, it starts collecting the packets associated with the file being transferred and when it has received all of them, it saves the file to your disk (at a location chosen by you). You can filter the saving of files by IP address, port, file extension, and/or file size.

Notice: This software contains no ads, banners, spyware, or nags.

Benefits over an ordinary packet analyzer:

  • Two different modes of network traffic analyzation.

  • Ethernet level packet capture.

  • Dial-up modem support.

  • Save and load filter profiles for use in different situations.

  • See what time each packet was received at.

  • Search list of packets for a text sub-string.

  • Encode and decode Base64 and Hex.

  • View MAC addresses and IP addresses at the same time.

  • Can hide in system tray.

  • Can automatically log packets to disk as they are received.

  • Can be setup to play a sound when a packet is received.

  • Most importantly, this program is very easy to use and install.


Key features only available in the full version:

  • NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver. This allows for ethernet level capture and dual direction capture with most (if not all) ethernet devices on Windows(c) XP.

  • Packet Mode - Fields for viewing information specific to ARP.

  • Packet Mode - Option to save packets in hex and text simultaneously.

  • Packet Mode - Functionality to load saved dump files back into the program (if desired, you may control which packets are loaded by way of filtering).

  • General option - minimize to the system tray.

  • File Mode - Save files in sub-folders based on IP addresses and/or file extension.

  • File Mode - Much better filtering options including file extension filtering.

  • IP address filtering may be applied to entire IP address ranges.

  • Tool - NetworkActiv Base Encoder/Decoder v1.0.1. This allows you to convert between Base64, Hex, and Text... All with ease.

  • Packet Mode - Hex Viewer for a better binary viewing experience.

  • Ability to save and load Packet and File filter profiles.

  • The size and position of the main mode windows are saved on exit and restored on program startup.


Additional features only available in the full version:

  • Packet Mode - Packet Save / Automatic logging - drop-down box for choosing data level to save from.

  • General option - minimize on "Close" / "X", only exit when "File->Exit" / "Exit" is chosen.

  • General option - automatically start listening after program loads.

  • General option - automatically minimize after program loads.

  • Packet Mode - Packet list column order can be changed; New order and sizes will be saved on exit.

  • Packet Mode - Drop-down box for choosing data level to view from.

  • Packet Mode - Fields for viewing MAC addresses and Ethernet protocol number.

  • Better dialog for reverse resolved addresses allows you to copy and/or save text.

  • File Mode - Some more advanced settings.

  • "Tools" menu.

  • Packet Mode - Option to append saved data instead of overwriting file.

  • Packet Mode - Option to automatically clear list after logging.

  • Packet Mode - Receive buffer usage shown (for Raw Sockets).

  • Various other features are only available in the full version.


System Requirements:

Windows(c) 2000 / XP / 2003.
As of 2004.April.22, NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver supports Windows(c) 2003.
A screen resolution of at least 800x600 is highly recommended.