The Internet Brotherhood

The Internet Brotherhood

From & quot; Internet & quot; Now it has become familiar with ... farmers. Internet connects the entire computer world. Every day, thousands more new users connect to the Internet. Companies use the Internet for business, advertising, and other commercial services. Internet grows like storms and & quot; swallowed & quot; networks & quot; brothers & quot; with it.

Different networks can communicate with each other by transmitting packets through a gateway or router. Thanks to gateways and routers, users on a network can receive information, resources, and contact with other network users. If a network connects to another network and loses its own, it can say that the network has been "dying". (there are so many deaths when some networks connect to the Internet). Fortunately, there are still many networks that do not "dissolve". with the Internet. They exist, grow and do not want to break up with their users.


Born in 1981, Bitnet's hometown, as well as many other networks, is the United States. Bitnet is the network of universities and colleges in the country. The network was created for scholars to exchange experiences and resembles a large encyclopedia. A few years ago the network worked well in 52 countries and had 1.5 million registered users. For data transmission, Bitnet uses a different set of protocols than the Internet or Usenet. The Bitnet protocol was old and allowed only 9600 bps. Bitnet Control is a Corporation for Research and Educational Networking (CREN). CREN is known as a strong force (576 members in the US and Mexico, among them universities, colleges, laboratories, elementary schools, high schools and public schools), support Both educational institutions, science and research all over the world.

What can be sent in Bitnet? Bitnet can send e-mails and messages to different mailing lists. It is also possible to send texts and programs between educational institutions. There are about three thousand different discussion groups divided by scientific issues (Math, Physics, Chemistry ...). Bitnet has links to many other networks including the Internet. Can send messages to Bitnet users from the Internet without any difficulty. The address has the form username@host.bitnet. Not all mail servers are & quot; understand & quot; domain .bitnet, in this case the gateway should be specified, for example

Is there a future for Bitnet? Difficult to answer this question. In 1989, Bitnet decided to reorganize its network. Each area has its own primary node. Some of the traffic is put on TCP / IP to speed up data transfer. The slow development of Bitnet is due to its special features. But thanks to that special point the network is alive. Information about Bitnet is available at


The home of SprintNet is also the US. SprintNet was developed from Telenet. This is a commercial plan. Its owners are the major US media companies UTI and GTE. Sprint is just a subsidiary. The largest fiber optic cable network in the world, forming the SprintNet platform, belongs to this subscriber. "There are about 6000 servers of different companies and organizations that are connected to SprintNet, providing extensive inquiry and information services, and enabling connections. with other networks. About 110 networks around the world support SprintNet connectivity.

What can SprintNet provide to users? First is the quality and convenient email box, working at all times; Supports sending any file. Messages will be in the recipient's mailbox after sending. The basic protocol for exchanging messages is X.400 (the world's standard) compatible with other email systems (Yahoo! ...). Internet users and SprintNet can send messages to each other. To be able to send mail to SprintNet you need to know some rules. Let's start with the basics. The address structure in SprintMail is as follows:

/ G = Thinh / S = Phan / O = IBM / ADMD = TELEMAIL / C = US /

The first is the name, second is the last, the third is the organization, the fourth is the user management domain, the last is the country. Include names together, separated by periods, then the address is as follows:


If you send a message within SprintMail, simply specify your full name and organization name. Very convenient right? Just know the user name and the workplace is you can send an email to that person. Of course, that person must also be connected to SprintMail. In the case of sending mail from the Internet to SprintNet, just add the full SprintMail address mentioned above to the familiar component @ For example: /PN=Thinh.Phan/O=IBM/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/

Do not forget the domain user and country management. Otherwise the mail will not find the recipient. SprintNet also gives users the opportunity to send unique faxes. You just need a computer to create a fax message, then connect to SprintNet and send. Every operation to send a message to the fax machine is automatically done by all. SprintNet also has the ability to send telex messages and teletype. Security and system stability (not on the Internet) make the network a trading tool among entrepreneurs, organizations ... SprintNet owners are very interested in improving their children and Continuously apply new technologies. More information can be found at


The Compuserve Network's global network was born in the US in 1982 and is growing rapidly. In some cases this network & quot; dissolved & quot; to the Internet (1989). In 1997, Compuserve made major changes, related to the acquisition by WorldCom. Since then, Compuserve has become a subsidiary of AOL. It is also known as a major US network service provider, occupying 150 countries and has 3.4 million users. Compuserve has 3000 large databases (databases), including databases of the largest companies. In terms of organization, the company that owns the network offers a number of regulations governing the relationship between end users and servers. Each computer in the network is numbered. The host company provides the user with the application program to work in the network. This system allows the use of external application programs but should conform to the general information format; It all resembles the basic rules of the Internet.

Can I send a message to a Compuserve Network user? Nothing difficult. Addresses in Compuserve format by two numbers, separated by commas (,). So, to send mail from the Internet to this network, you need to use the following address: Be careful when listing and do not forget to replace the comma as a dot. To end the Compuserve story, let's take a few words about the relationship between Composerve and AOL: Compuserve owners use this network to test new technologies or technologies and then bring them to the Internet. Compuserve Home


FidoNet ( ) is a global non-commercial information network, network for everyone and for all. This is a non-central network, created by separate nodes. Traditionally, the FidoNet node connects via telephone lines via modem, a new version that allows connections over the Internet.

Currently FidoNet links more than 13,000 nodes worldwide, each with its own unique address. The node address consists of 4 parts (4 numbers): Zone: Net / Node.Point. Zone - the area code, Net - the area code, Node - the node number, Point - the point number (or station).

The regional number of FidoNet determines the continent of the node. FidoNet is divided into six regions: 1- North America, 2 - Europe, 3 - Australia and New Zealand, 4 - Central and South America, 5 - Africa, 6 - Asia.

After region is region. The Asean countries are located in area 60 (abbreviated as R60). Keep in mind that this number is only available on network addresses (NA) but not standalone (which is in the Net). Geographically divided into networks (Net). Each network in the area has its own number and contains the sequence number of the area. The number of the network is entered into the network address with the first 2 digits of the area index. Example 2: 60506/999999.

Point refers to the user or the last system, connected to the node but it is not an official FidoNet member. All point operations are controlled and checked by the button and the letter of the point must pass through the node.


The two largest Internet reforms are Internet 2 and Next Generation Internet, both in the United States, just like the Internet itself. Internet 2 ( ) is the plan of 200 universities, whose main purpose and mission is to apply new technologies and applications to the network, enhance the role of science and education. On the Internet there have been rumors of large-scale deployment of the Internet 2. However, the plan has not yet escaped from the lab door. The same fate also comes to the Next Generation Internet Internet ( ). Since 1996, the US government has announced support for the next generation of Internet plans. The plan is scientific and global. However, work progresses slowly.

Message exchanges between nodes actually transfer and receive files in the specified format corresponding to the protocol. One of FidoNet's advantages is free to its members. As a member, you pay only the phone bill, not pay for the information MB has transmitted.

This article does not list all the networks, however, the information here tells you that outside of the Internet, there are other computer networks. You can rest assured that the & quot; multi-network & quot; It will continue for a long time, as most commercial networks are large organizations. The natural question is why do not these companies choose the Internet? The answer is simple: They need security and certain services that the Internet can not meet.