Website Design: CSS Editor

Website Design: CSS Editor
This article will introduce you to some of the command writing procedures with CSS (Note: CSS - Cascading Style Sheet - is part of a web page that defines the format that governs the display of a web page or part of a website. Microsoft Office keeps formatting templates used at the top of every web page - Phan Long) 01. Samples Because of the rather abstract nature of the CSS display structure, you may find it difficult to use it in the tabular style of web design. However, there are plenty of great online sources that allow you to copy and experiment with CSS templates. These include:, and 02. Mind the old browser One of the problems with CSS is that many older browsers do not understand much of its structure. The most typical example is Netscape Navigator 4. To fix this, use the @import rendering method to import formatting samples into a browser, which is much more efficient than the linking method (see http for more information). Popular browsers now have good visibility of CSS structures, while older browsers (along with PDAs and other web access devices) may ignore it without losing content. Web's. 03. Tricks with box display model CSS is built on a box model in which each element has content, border, margins, and distance from the text to the border. Incompatible browsers (including the most popular version of Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows) place borders and text-to-borders within the widths of the box model. So, if you have a content component that is 300px wide with a 10px border and a 25px spacing, compatible browsers will only need CSS to format the width of 300px, while other browsers will not. width is 370px (i.e. 10px + 25px + 300px + 25px + 10px). In combination with both of these browsers, we use a Tantek Celik box-style wizard on This code also has an exception with the Opera Compatible Browser, so we added the section for Opera: #content padding: 25px; border: 10px; / bin / boot / build / dev / etc / home /initrd.img/lib/lib64/ lost + found / media / mnt / mysqltmp / / var / vmlinuz width for non-compliant browsers 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt / width: 370px; / bin / boot / build / dev / etc / home /initrd.img/lib/lib64/ lost + found / media / mnt / mysqltmp / / var / vmlinuz this non-compliant blocks browsers from going further in this rule 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt / voice-family: ""} ""; voice-family: inherit; / bin / boot / build / dev / etc / home /initrd.img/lib/lib64/ lost + found / media / mnt / mysqltmp / / var / vmlinuz correct width for compliant browsers 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt / width: 300px; / bin / boot / build / dev / etc / home /initrd.img/lib/lib64/ lost + found / media / mnt / mysqltmp / / var / vmlinuz A separate be nice to Opera rule 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt / html> body #content {width: 300px;} 04. Print control Although the CSS's print-driven nature - the ability to define font families and font sizes - is not very secret, but many people do not take advantage of it when line-height and spacing between characters. You can also use CSS to control character formatting via text-transform commands with uppercase, uppercase, lowercase and nonexistent values ​​(capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, and none). For example, when adding the h1, h2 (text-transform: lowercase) to the formatting template, the entire contents of the h1 and h2 tags are displayed in lowercase. 05. Convert between formats Most designers, font sizes are defined in pixels because they are the smallest elements that can be displayed. However, the most popular browser today, Windows Internet Explorer 6 does not have the ability to overwrite the text (while this is normal with many other browsers, including Internet Explorer 5 for Mac) . That can be a hassle for visually impaired people, and you can fix the problem by using alternative formatting templates with different font sizes. Paul Snowden has an interesting article on this subject at 06. Add border People usually add borders around the images, but if the border is simple then this work becomes a waste of time. Instead, add borders to all of the images contained within your web page using the img (border: 1px solid # 000000;) command or the img.borderOn (border: 1px solid # 000000;) command in the CSS file. friend or tag in an HTML file with individual instances. You can edit the boldness of the border by changing the parameters in the CSS. 07. The format of the magazine style Most web pages have space between paragraphs to make it easy for users to follow, but you can also create paragraphs in the same format as in paper journals. Add the following command to the CSS file: p (margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em;) p + p (text-indent: 2em; margin-top: -1em;) You can edit the spacing between segments by changing the value of the text-indent. 08. Customize with background image You may already be familiar with HTML-based methods for putting graphic files into your site's background, tables, etc., but you can do more with CSS. For example, you could add the following commands: background image # 444 url ​​(assets / page_background.gif) no-repeat fixed top left;) to place an image file in the top left of the page with the Fixed when scrolling web pages and not duplicated on page. For a list of other values, you can access