Showing 19–27 of 112 results

    Gigabit Ethernet SX Mini-GBIC SFP Transceiver MGBSX1

    Module quang SFP, chuẩn cáp nhảy LC sử dụng cho các switch có cổng MiniGBIT.

    Cáp quang tương ứng khoảng cách :

    62.5/125um MMF @ 160 MHz/km,up to 220m 

    62.5/125um MMF @ 200 MHz/km, up to 275m 

    50/125um MMF @ 400 MHz/km, up to 500m 

    50/125um MMF @ 500 MHz/km, up to 550m

    • Modul quang Mikrotik XS+2733LC15D
    • A kit of two combined 1.25G SFP, 10G SFP+ and 25G SFP28 modules. 15 km, 1270nm + 1330nm.
    • Kit contains two SFP+ modules that can be used as a pair to achieve operating data rate up to 25 Gbps for distances up to 15km on a single optical cable.
    • SFP/ SFP+/ SFP28

    Modul: STM-4 (622 Mbps ± 4.6 ppm)

    SFP transceiver name: OTR4 L5

    Operating wavelength (nm): 1480-1580

    Source type: SLM

    Compatible with ECI NPT1020
