6 features you should select disable on iOS 10 device

6 features you should select disable on iOS 10 device
Can not not recognize the operating system iOS 10 is the most updated version of the new features, as well as the change with the features available. Users will experience and use the new interface completely on the device, from the lock screen, to the use of applications. However, some new features are not necessary or include some disadvantages such as the battery drain on the device quickly, but the risk of disclosure of personal information, ... What are those features? And how to be able to turn them off on iOS 10. Read the article below to check if your device is using iOS 10 is disabled.

1. Screen unlock feature:

This is the most recognizable change when users upgrade devices to iOS 10. You do not need to swipe right to unlock the device as before, just click the Home button to open it. Once we've unlocked the device, swiping left will show widgets or camera apps. There are quite a few people not familiar with how to unlock this new screen on iOS 10. If you want to return to unlocking the old device is also very simple. 6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10 We have access to Settings & gt; General settings & gt; Accessibility . Then select the section Home button and turn on features Keep your fingers open . Unlock interface will now return to the interface of iOS 9. Note This feature is only suitable for devices that are 5S backwards equipped with Touch IDs.

6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10 6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10 6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10

2. Automatic recording on iMessage iOS 10:

If you are a regular user of voice messages, this feature is quite attractive. When a message arrives, we just need to bring the device up to hear it. However, many people are not really interested in this feature, because if there is no need to use the sound message, but the feature to listen to still works. To disable this feature, we can make adjustments right on the device.

Step 1:

First of all, you need to access the item Setting on the device's interface and select the item Message

6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10

Step 2:

Next, in the Messages view, we will scroll down and select the item Audio message already turn off the Listen up feature , when cutting the horizontal bar to the left.

6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10

With iPhone 6S devices, users can unlock the interface by bringing up to enable. As long as you pick up the device, the screen will be fully lit. However, this feature will definitely drain the battery, as you just lift up the screen is bright. And this feature is also really not needed to use.

6 tính năng nên vô hiệu hóa trên thiết bi iOS 10

To disable, click Settings & gt; Bright screen & amp; Brightness and Turn off the feature to turn on

Màn hình & Độ sáng Tắt Đưa lên để bật

4. Disable the ability to manually fill Safari contact information:

When we use Safari browser on iOS 10 device, the user's information will be automatically filled. We will not need to do anything that Safari will do. However, the risk of disclosing personal information will be quite high when you lend to someone else.

Tự động điền thông tin Tùy chỉnh thông tin

To disable this feature, click the icon Setting on the device, select Safari then select the item Autofill. In the AutoFill interface, users only need to Disables the option of declaring information below.

Safari Tự động điền thông tin Vô hiệu hóa tự động điền thông tin

5. Do not save search results on Spotlight:

When users use the Spotlight tool and search for information, everything will be stored in the cache. And of course, the memory is gradually filled up by the volume of search information, and can affect the privacy when someone lends the phone. To turn off spotlighting, visit Settings & gt; General settings & gt; Search Spotlight . Swipe the bar in the item Siri's suggestion to turn off. Or you can go to each of the applications below Search Results

Spotlight Tắt gợi ý của Siri

6. Motion Reduction:

On iOS 10, the Motion Reduction feature affects the effects of iMessage when we launch the feature. In order to see the iMessage effects, we visit Settings & gt; General settings & gt; Accessibility Section Decrease of movement , turn them off if they are turned on.

Cài đặt chung Tắt Giảm chuyển động

Depending on the user, the purpose of using the application, as well as features on iOS 10 that you can choose to disable them or not. However, some features are not really needed on the device, as it may involve battery drain, or leakage of personal information. Please refer to the article above to consider what features should be disabled on iOS 10 offline.

Please refer to the following articles:

Wish you success!