Select Memory Card

Select Memory Card
Harmony with the wave of digital products into the market is the group "accessories as bait". Accessories include memory cards, "mobile memory" and memory card readers. Digital players must now have three 128 - 256MB cards, a professional digital flush with multiple card readers. Multi-purpose memory card There are various types of memory cards available today, from many sources in the world. If there was only one known for Lexar, Sandisk, Fujifilm ... then there are other options such as Sagatek, Apacer, Transcend ... Especially the Transcend series of memory cards of various types and capacities. There is a CF - Transcend memory card with capacity up to 2.2GB (currently in the world has CF memory card manufactured by Samsung with peak capacity - 8GB). Previously, memory cards used to store digital photos are much more modern today. "In addition to keeping the image files, I also store video files, MP3 music and a number of learning materials on the memory card," said M.K., a computer science student. Just carrying a CF card reader and memory card can carry loads of documents, images and sounds to the field. " Read more in one The "multi-in-one" reader is currently dominant in the market because of its low cost and convenience, especially for people who are exposed to a variety of cards every day. For example, editors, reporters, designers - publishers, digital photo minilabs ... Nowadays, there are card readers that can read up to six different types of cards, just missing the xD picture card. Mr. Tuan, a salesman of digital products at Ton That Tung Street, District 1, HCM City, said: "After buying a 6 in 1 reader, adapter) used to read the card xD is finished. There are seven different types of cards that can be read that are much cheaper than buying seven individual cards. " However, the concept of card reader specialization has now begun. According to Liem, camera shop owner in District 1: "A professional photographer should have in hand six different card readers to be able to handle the types of digital photos taken from the memory card commonly used as Compact Flash Memory Stick, Multi Media Card, Smart Media, Secure Digital, Micro Drive. The "4 in 1", "6 in 1" card reader is low priced, but it is only suitable for those who use amateur cameras and the demand for images in the day is not much. " Which card is trendy? There are six types of memory cards available: Compact Flash, Memory Stick, Multi Media Card, Smart Media, Secure Disk, Micro Drive (IBM). The xD picture card has just appeared for about two years and is only available for Fujifilm and Olympus digital cameras. The six types of cards mentioned above include digital imaging needs and are used for many different camera brands. Mr. Trinh Dinh Nguyen, in charge of Viet Hoa electronics and computer parts shop, said: "Usually the machine uses that card; Only a few companies use the same card. As Panasonic uses SD cards, Sony uses a Memory Stick; while Fujifilm and Olympus share the same Smart Media card and more recently the xD card. " Except for Compact Flash cards that are commonly used for many different brands, other types of cards are also available. They must have a card for personal use because apart from the sale of the machine also have to sell memory cards. Taiwanese companies are quite carefree in the production of various types of memory cards to provide customers with digital cameras, MP3 players, PDAs ... Reading speed of the memory card is also an important characteristic. Normal memory cards can only read data at 2-4x (300 - 600KB / s); The new memory cards have read speeds of up to 8-16x (900KB - 2.4MB / s); Some types can speed up reading to 20x (about 3MB / s). There are xD picture card cards have read speed - write data very high, 3 to 5 times more than the old card. Points to note when using a memory card 1 - Some Smart Media cards under 64MB can only be formatted on a digital camera. If formatted directly on the computer will result in the camera not recognizing the card when plugged in. 2 - Memory card of 512MB - 1GB should be discharged after data capture or copying. Using the card as a storage hard drive will be unprofitable because when the card has problems it is easy to lose data, hard to recover completely. 3 - The newer memory cards (larger capacity) will usually not be supported on the software on the mobile phones, MP3 players, pocket computers ... the old. Because you can not use large memory cards (high read speeds) on legacy devices that have lower read speeds. 4 - The smaller the card, the less energy it will consume and less risk of collision damage or dropping to the ground. However, for cards that do not have a protective cover on the outside (too thin), they can scratch the contacts, which can lead to inaccessibility of card data.