The firm | APC |
Licensing form | Perpetual |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | forever |
Item status | Stocking |
The firm | APC |
Licensing form | Perpetual |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | forever |
Item status | Stocking |
The firm | APC |
Licensing form | Perpetual |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | forever |
Item status |
Stocking |
The firm | APC |
Licensing form | Perpetual |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | forever |
Item status | Stocking |
The firm | APC |
Licensing form | Perpetual |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | forever |
Item status | Stocking |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Veeam |
Product Line | Veeam ONE |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
System installation | Server |
Item status | Stocking |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Veeam |
Product Line | Veeam Management Pack |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | Enterprise |
Type of registration | forever |
System installation | Server |
Item status | Stocking |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Paessler |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | Enterprise |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Paessler |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | Enterprise |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Paessler |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Trellix |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
Item status | Stocking |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | SafeNet |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
Item status | Stocking |
Giám sát hệ thống
The firm | Information Security Corporation |
Licensing form | License |
Customer segmentation | SMB |
Type of registration | Subscribe |
Item status | Stocking |