Using the Software in English Learning

Using the Software in English Learning

Listening, speaking English is a practical need with many young people. With a computer, headphones, plus software that helps you to practice listening and speaking easier.

Alive Text to Speech

Alive Text to Speech (AT2S) is developed by AliveMedia, the current version is Alive Text to Speech It's possible to convert text-to-speech into standard speech by Mike and Mary download to use.

When browsing websites, viewing text, email, or whatever text in the app you want to hear, just open AT2S, close the text block, and turn on speaker or headphone to listen.

Alive Text to Speech is also automatically entered into your Internet Explorer browser after installation, so that when you browse the web, you want AT2S to read the text and news on the website, just close the text block. read or copy (Ctrl + C), then select Alive Text to Speech near the Address bar.

Alive Text to Speech also has many useful features that other programs do not have:

Convert text files (txt) to media files: Alive Text to Speech allows you to convert text in .txt text files, to media types such as MP3, OGG, WAV, VOX.

This feature makes it easy to convert a text file into a listening practice that can be used by media players like WinAMP to play back. The speed of fast or slow conversion depends on the length of the text or the text file.

You can do the following:

- For .txt files, open Alive Text to Speech, select File - Add Files. Then navigate to the text file you want to hear. Can import multiple files.

- For other files (.doc, .html ...), select the file you want to convert, right click (or press F9), select Convert. Then a dialog box appears that allows you to choose the media file format, usually we should choose MP3.

Select the path on the Output Folder to export the file. Choose a male voice (Mike, Sam ...), female (Mary) or speed (Rate), small (Volume). Click OK.

- You can also convert quickly in Windows Explorer by selecting the text file and then right-click, select Convert to, then choose the format you want.

The $ 24.95 commercial version supports most versions of Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT 4.x, XP or Windows 2003.

In this section, CoolSpeech and TextSound by ByteCool Software will bring you even more interesting things.

Just like Alive Text to Speech, CoolSpeech is a program that reads text from text. CoolSpeech can also read with male vocalists (Mike, Sam) and female (Mary) with a variety of reading styles: American English, British English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japan, Korea, Russia, Portugal ...

Therefore, CoolSpeech is better than Alive Text to Speech, which supports voice recognition from different languages.

Moreover, CoolSpeech also supports voice dialing from the phone, for you to practice listening through conversations from the phone, you just download by pressing come in . After downloading the voices, you have to restart CoolSpeech, and in View - Speech Properties, click Rescan to update the new voice.

5.0 Mary voice (voice) and 5.0 Peter voice (male voice) run on most versions of Windows operating systems: 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP for a commercial price of $ 29.95.

You also need a Sound card and Speaker or Headphone to listen. Once downloaded and installed, you can use CoolSpeech easily by following these steps:

- Type text to listen to the box, CoolSpeech allows you to choose how to break sentences after a comma, semicolon, dot ... or just after a word that we finish.

In View - Options, choose one of three optional options. On the other hand, you can also choose greetings whenever you open CoolSpeech (go to Misc, type in Greetings when CoolSpeech is started) or choose to read the date with Date / Time and choose CoolSpeech's interface with Themes.

You can opt for CoolSpeech to read your new e-mail, or read news from Web sites, online lessons at a certain date and time by going to Shechduled, selecting Add. The dialog box will appear, just fill in the correct order and choose the schedule as daily, weekly, or month, year.

In terms of conversion functionality, CoolSpeech does not support much of the conversion functionality like Alive Text to Speech, only supports .WAV format without MP3, by ByteCool Software.

Text Sound 2.0 supports 50 types of conversion with outstanding features such as:

- No limit on text size when converting.

With its friendly interface, easy to input or delete text files, Text Sound allows you to convert from text files to .wav format for your phone, .wav to radio, .wav to burn CDs, or mp3 formats.

The support is more or less depending on the CODECs code on your PC. At the same time Text Sound is capable of fast converting large documents.

- Text Sound allows you to adjust the read speed, voice, audio ... with Edit Converts.

Just select the text file you want to convert, right mouse button, click ADD or press F5 to convert (Convert). You can also save the conversion for later use by saving it.