Extract and change image sizes from many different sources with Media Resizer

Extract and change image sizes from many different sources with Media Resizer

For webmasters who use the PHP language, a common problem is to insert illustrations for each article or message.

Unlike FrontPage or Dreamweaver, which allows you to easily resize your images, PHP is handled with key and handwritten content, so the quality of the images will be inaccurate. size is changed.

To overcome this situation, you can use the image editor to adjust the size but it will be difficult when the number of large images. Then maybe Media Resizer will be the really essential tool for you. Outstanding features:

- You can zoom in and out with just a few clicks
- Due to the integration of color compensation modes, the zoom quality is significantly improved
- Extract or change the size of a series of image files
- Speed ​​is fast
- Provides shadow and shadow effects.

The special feature of the program is that it allows you to extract from the video data files to the desired size.

Using: With a well designed interface that looks professional and intuitive, Media Resizer will delight you the first time you visit. First, click the Add File or Add Folder button and select the data to extract or change. Looking to the right you will see the Width and Height lines. Please enter the number you need there. For high accuracy, press the Crop button and drag the yellow frame to match the illustrations. Next you select the place of storage in the Destination line and output format in the Output format. You can also embellish the artwork with the border effect using the Change Style button. And select the Style or Marks depending on your preference. Finally, click on the "Play" icon for the program to proceed.

The program is available at: http://www.mediaresizer.com/ 3.32 MB is compatible with Windows operating system.