PC Loudspeaker Solutions

PC Loudspeaker Solutions

It's annoying when your PC & quot; Loud noise or loud noise can be heard, but it also makes you feel uncomfortable. This is a computer symptom that has been & quot; fluid & quot; Somewhere and you need to do some work to overcome this situation.

1. Place on firm surface

Listening is simple but sometimes the noise generated by the surface of your computer is not sure. If you put the CPU on a "rickety" surface, the vibration of the computer will resonate with the tablet, causing you to feel very uncomfortable, as if the computer is about to explode. arrive.

2. Fasten the screw

Sometimes, the cause of PC noise is not from the fan, it is from the loosening of the screw itself. You can solve this problem by removing the case and tightening the screws of the power supply, motherboard, blower ... Of course, these operations should be done correctly and in the right direction. guide. Sometimes, too tight screws are not good because they can damage the computer's components.

3. Add spacers to the contact surface

Cheap plastic gasket pads can help you limit the vibration of the blower when it comes in contact with the case. Lay a thin plastic sheet between these surfaces.

4. Buy the power supply & quot; than

Power supply for main computer is one of the causes of noise. You need to double check before deciding to & quot; invest & quot; new source & quot; more & quot; and less noise.

5. Install additional cooling fan for CPU

Today's processors typically produce a very large amount of heat (from 145-175 degrees Fahrenheit). Actually, a CPU is not "cooled" They can destroy themselves when the temperature is too high, and this is only a matter of time. Therefore, you need to buy more heat dissipation fans to reduce the heat of the chip. When adding a fan, you also need to consult the manufacturer's documentation for proper installation.