Discover 3 more Cabir worms

Discover 3 more Cabir worms

However, Sophos (UK) security company said that the mobile version of the virus is not high risk. The three are available as download from a Malaysian website that specializes in mobile phone applications.

The Cabir worm, a virus that demonstrates the ability of viruses to attack the phone, is designed to be transmitted via Bluetooth connectivity to other compatible smartphones in the allowed area. However, the recipient may decide to accept or deny this program access to his or her computer.

Phone users can protect their communications against many types of risk from Bluetooth by turning off the visible feature in the Bluetooth settings. This will prevent the penetration of these types of attacks.

"There is a lot of information recently about the possibility of a virus attacking the phone, but the program has not actually caused the outbreaks of computer viruses," said Graham Cluley, of Sophos, says. "Phone users do not need to be too concerned about hackers abandoning their lucrative prey as a Microsoft Windows-based PC to turn to phone attacks."