Basic Hacking Techniques - Part II

Basic Hacking Techniques - Part II

1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt Enumeration 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt
Author: Fantomas311 ===

Assuming that the execution of steps I and II is unsuccessful or that the information obtained is not sufficient to trigger an immediate attack, the hacker will move on to the method of identifying valid user accounts. Shared resources are not well protected
Enumeration is a way to extract valid accounts or resources from the system. In Part III, I will detail the most commonly used methods, and the basic tools of third-party attendance techniques in basic hacking.
The main difference between the techniques of collecting information in part I (Foot Printing) and part II (scanning) and the enumeration technique below is at the hacker entry level. Attendance involves active connections with systems and queries oriented.
Much of the information collected through point-of-view technology may seem harmless. However, information leaking from the hole following it can be harmful. In general, after identifying a valid user name or share, the remaining problem is the time before the hacker guesses the corresponding password or finding the weaknesses associated with the protocol shares. original.
The information obtained by Attendance Technology can be temporarily reduced to the following categories:
++ Network resources and shared components
++ User and groups
++ Applications and banners (banner)
Attendance technology is also specific to each server operating system, and therefore, it also depends on the information collected from part I and part II. In this section, I will refer to rollout techniques in operating systems: WinNT, Novell and Unix.

1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt Windows NT 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt
Why WinNT ?? For technical attendance WinNT can be considered a close friend! And why ..... then lower resolution!

+++ WinNT domain by netview:

Windows is an operating system designed to facilitate browsing of network resources, so the process of listing NT domains is extremely simple compared to other operating systems. In most cases, just use the tools installed in the OS (Operating System). The netview command is a good example. It will list the domains available on the network, and then expose the information of all the computers in a domain (you can also use the information from the ping scans in the previous sections to learn the domain names from the A single machine uses only an IP address instead of a server name.
First of all is the domain on the network:
C: & gt; netview / domain
List computers in a specific domain:
C: & gt; netview / domain: domain name

+++ Attempts for domain controllers NT:

To dig a little deeper into the NT network architecture, we need to use a tool from the NT Resource Kit (NTRK - note: this one is pretty much used in this article!), Also referred to as the Windows NT Hacking Kit by the release. double-edged sword of many powerful executive utilities that it provides! First, let's briefly introduce this so-called NTRK:
- NTRK is a set of plugins for WinNT that comes with a utility CD for network management. NTRK contains a powerful set of utilities, ranging from the popular Perl language to the ports of many utilities. Unix utility, to remote operating tools not included in the retail version of WinNT. It is an inexpensive toolkit for NT network administrators and also a useful tool for hackers who want to exploit. winNT. It's probably because of that that the retail price of NTRK is around $ 200. But, okay, there is still a free solution for you at
Back to list of domain NT controllers: To do this, use the tool called nltest in NTRK to identify Primary Domain Controllers (PDCs) and BDCs (Backup Domain Controllers).
Command: C: & gt; nltest / delist: [domain name]
In order to proceed even further, we need to use the Holy Grail of NT, anonymous, or anonymous connection (which will be discussed later). After setting up a null session for one of the machines on the commit panel, we can use the syntax nltest / server: [server name] and / trusted_domain to find out which NT domains are related to the initial domain. first!

1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt Global NT Method 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? p = 1 en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_v tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesktop.txt

Most of the crawling techniques that I described in this article deal with a security flaw in winNT that allows anonymous users to connect and cite certain resources. without the "permission". This weakness is known as the "Red Button" (hiii, probably the login or submit button too), offline session connection or anonymous login ..... and it is still a potential place. The most destructive network that hackers seek. I remember there was a widely circulated article on the internet with the title "defragmentation" as a "guideline for defacing a site" which instructed you to locate an anonymous user and exploit it!
To implement an empty session connection, use the following syntax:
C: & gt; net use IPIPC $ '' '' '' '/ user:' '' '
The syntax on the "shared" part of transmitting IPC $ hidden IP addresses at the IP address we provide as anonymous user is [user: '' ''] and an empty [ '' '' ']. If successful, you can have an open command to use different techniques to collect as much information as possible: network information, shared parts, users, groups, registry keys. The universal NT method will be covered in "basic security" of fantomas311 - invite you to see

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After setting up an empty session, you can also reuse the net view command to list shared parts on the remote system.
The other three common user interfaces in NTRK are rmtshare, srvcheck and srvinfo
One of the most appropriate tools for debugging NT shared files (and other content is Dump ACL. Download free at Dump ACLs to audit everything from file system permissions to It can even retrieve basic user information through a harmless empty connection, and can be run from the command line, facilitating the signing of codes and automation.
Opening the Empty Links and using these tools manually is a great method for targeted attacks, but most hackers use a NetBIOS scanner to quickly check the whole thing. Network to find shared files exposing. One of the most popular tools is the Legion (can be found on many internet stores). Legion can mull over a Class C IP network and reveal all the shared files available in its graphical interface. Version 2.1 includes a "forced tool," which tries to connect to a certain shared file through a list of user-supplied passwords. The cracking rules for Win9x and WinNT are specified in the following sections
Another common Windows file-sharing utility, the NetBIOS Auditing Tool (NAT), can be found on internet stockpiles.

1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt Other types of NT credentials 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200. jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt wm.quantrimang. com

There are also a number of other NT network credentials such as Microsoft's epdump (, getmac and netdom in NTRK and netviewx (http: / / epdump queries the RPC endpoint mapper and specifies service assignments with IP addresses and port numbers. Use an empty session, get mac display MAC addresses and devices of network interface cards on remote machines. This provides useful information that helps hackers shape a system with multiple interfaces on the network. Netdom is even more useful than the primary information for NT domain domains, including domain membership and the names of Backup Domain Controllers. Netviewx is often used to detect NT Remote Access Services (RAS) to get a sense of the number of dial-up servers that exist on the network.
Finally, it would be very blameworthy not to mention Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) as an excellent NT source. The SNMP will be covered in detail in the next section: in WinNT

+++ User and group names in WinNT

Before mentioning user names, let's talk about the tools needed for this technique. After defining a list of users, hackers can use brute force tools. . As in the case of shared files, wrong NT configurators easily expose user information
Again, we will use the empty connection to provide initial access to run known hacking tools. The first and easiest way to identify users on a remote Windows system is by using the nbstat command

C: & gt; nbstat -A [IP]

This technique provides the contents of the remote system's NetBIOS name table, specifying the system name, the doma that it is in, and the logged-in users.
There are several other NTRK tools available that provide information about users (whether empty or empty), such as usrstat, showgrps, local, global, but the most common tool for getting user information. is still DumpACL. DumpACL can pull a list of users, groups, and NT user rights.
Also, two other popular NT pointers are user2sid and sid2user of Evgenii Rudnyi (see This tool needs time to find out. I can only say that it can work even if the network administrator has enabled RestrictAnonymous, just have access to port 139!

1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt

An NT system running NT SNMP agents can be accessed by default community strings such as "public". Bypassing NT users via SNMP is easy when using the SNMP snmputil browser in NTRK. However, this tool provides a lot of data is considered "lùng, hard to remember, difficult to understand." Therefore, to avoid trouble (hacking too much trouble to solve !!!) you You can use the solar wind SNMP browser named IP network browser at Here is a presentation of fantomas311 about WinNT, followed by a roll call with Novell

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While WinNT is a friend of "empty" sessions, Novell's netware has the same problem:

+++ Network Neighborhood: Use the Network Neighborhood to find out about servers and trees available on the network. This step does not directly threaten information, it's just a simple startup, what are you doing?

+++ Connections to Novell Client32

Novell's Netware Services run in the system tray and allows you to manage your Netware connection routes through the Netware Connections option. This capability can be extremely valuable in managing mounts and log-ins. However, more importantly, after creating an attachment, you can retrieve the NDS that contains the server, the routing number, and the complete network address. This can be useful for Connect to the server later and get the admin privilege.

++ On-site Admin: View Novell Servers

If there is no authentication process under a single server, you can use the Novell On-site Admin product ( to view the status of any on-line server. On the other hand, sending on-site broadcast requests, On-Site Admin seems to display servers hosted by the Network Neighborhood, sending occasional broadcasts of Novell servers on the network.

+++ On-site Admin tree browsing:

You can browse most Novell trees with the On-site Admin. In this case, Client32 actually binds to the selected server inside the tree. The reason is that by default, Netware 4.x allows people to browse the tree. You can minimize this by adding filtering rights to the root tree. The information obtained on the Site Admin can help us move to active system intrusion. Attendance NT ended here !!!!

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Most modern Unix entities are based on standard TCP / IP networking features and therefore are not as easy to publish as NT-like information through NetBIOS or NetWare interfaces. This means Unix is ​​not attacked by attacking techniques, but which technique will produce the best results? That depends on how the system is configured. Examples include Sun Microsystem's Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Network Information System (NIS), and Network File System (NFS) for many years. I will mention some classic techniques soon.
Before proceeding, you should keep in mind that most of the techniques described in this Part III use the information gathered from the port scanner techniques and OS routing described in "basic hacking Part I and II. "
+++ Common file directories and Unix network resources
The best Unix network resources are the TCP / IP techniques described in Part II, but a great tool to dig into is the Unix utility showmount which is useful for debugging exported filesystems. Export NFS on a network. For example, suppose a previous scan showed that port 2049 (NFS) was waiting on a potential destination. Thus, we can use showmount to see exactly what folders are being shared:

showmount -e
xuất danh sách cho
/ pub (everyone)
/ var (everyone)
/ usr (user)

The -e switch lists the NFS server's export list, unfortunately for security vendors, and happy for hackers, this information can not be hidden because this is the default behavior. NFS
NFS is not the only file-sharing software you'll find on Unix, thanks to the growing popularity of the open source sampa suite, providing file services and smooth printing for SMB clients. Server Message Block is the foundation of windows networking. Samba is available for download at and is distributed with many Linux distributions. Although the Samba server configuration file (/ etc. /smb.conf) has a number of security parameters to understand, the misconfiguration can still lead to the file sharing the network is not protected.
Another potential source of Unix network information is NIS. The main problem with NIS is that once you know the NIS domain name of a server, you can use a simple RPC query to gather any copies. its any NIS mapping. NIS mappings are mappings that distribute important information about each domain host such as the passwd file. The traditional NIS attack often uses NIS client tools to try to guess the domain name.
In addition, some of the tools that are also useful are psean and snmpwalk
+++ User Profiles and Unix Groups: This technique does not acquire valuable information, it can only tell you which user is root in the target server. Tools: finger, rusers, rwho

1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png curved-listening? P = 1 en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt LINK.txt log.txt t-142 619 name.txt meta_desc.txt news testimg2-0.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg3.jpg thumb testimg.jpg heart-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt com Part III basic hacking pause here, following three basic steps, you've had plenty of information and tools, specific operators will guide later .... Hopefully, through three posts, fantomas311 brought give you the basic concept of hacking! Be happy ! All details about the article please contact 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png curved-listening? P = 1 en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt img.quantrimang imglist.txt. com label: Some Text link_original.txt LINK.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg 142 619 t-thumb testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg heart-hieu-excel- 2016-200.jpg tmp03.html tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt

Other writings:

Basic Hacking Techniques - Part I

Basic hacking techniques - Part II