Confidential and Internet Service Providers

Confidential and Internet Service Providers
Find out what your computer can do and whether your child is connected via modem. You can subscribe to the Internet Service Providers service, which provides you with a Web filter. This Web filter is superior to the IE browser, which will never allow you to visit Web sites. to Sex or some Web site you have specified. Check out the monthly Internet Service Providers homepage, where you can find out how many hours you have Internet access this month. There are many free software packages available on the Internet. You download the program from there as Firewalls, anti virus, here I have a virus software Command Antivirus you can download it from: Or scan online from the network here with Symantec allows you to scan your computer from the internet you can go to the Web site. to scan online. Cookies should be deleted. Cookies are the code that when you visit a website, this code will be automatically installed on your machine and gather information from your machine. There are some cookies that will stay for a few weeks, as the capacitors disappear, but some cookies can stay on for a dozen years, so you can delete them. to a Web site will take longer). In Windows 2000, under: C: / Document and settings / 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt The name of your usename when accessing windows 2000 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt / cookies Note that do not delete the index.dat file in that directory. Remove the Cache from the directory: C: / Document and Settings / 1 AzSoft_watermark_big.png AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe?p=1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label:Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt Usename that you use to access / Templates.