Hardware requirements: Dial-Up Networking is very similar to a local area network. On both networks, you have to physically connect to the computer to communicate with each other. But instead of using a network interface card and coaxial or twisted-pair cable, the dial-up network uses a modem or an ISDN adapter to communicate over a telephone line. It is very important that the Modem create the server and the client must be compatible. How to set up a modem depends on whether you have Modem Internal or External. Modem in (Internal): By convention, computers communicate with serial modems. Even if you use Modem in the same way, there is another is the serial port installed on Modem. Installation of Modem is not difficult, but since there are all kinds of hardware, that procedure is beyond the scope of this document. If you are unfamiliar with this process, consult the documentation that came with your computer and modem or consult your hardware staff. External Modem (External): Installation of external modem is quite similar. Modem requires three connections: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Connect the Modem to the serial port on your PC using the standard RS-232 serial cable. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Source Links. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Phone Line Connections. Software requirements: There are 5 software components that need to be installed and configured: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Modem Driver. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www dialup network component. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Dial-Up Adapters. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Network protocol. 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www dialer server software. The next section examines each of these components, and covers how and where to install to prepare for the Windows 98 step as a dial-up server and dial-up client. Modem driver: Depending on some factors, Windows 98 may automatically detect Modem the first time you start your computer after installation. In case you do not auto-detect, you will have to ask Windows to find the modem and even install the necessary driver file by manually selecting Modem in the device list. Component Dial-Up Networking: The next component to install is Dial-Up Networking. To install or verify that you have installed, open Control Panel, double click on the Add / Remove Programs icon, and the Add / Remove Programs Properties window will open. Click the Windows Setup tab to see the installation components and then select the new component. The Dial-Up Networking component is in Communications. Click on the item and then click Details to open the Communications dialog that displays the media related component. The first item in the Communications window is Dial-Up Networking. If this component is not already installed, click on the checkbox. Click OK to close the Communications dialog box and then close the Add / Remove Programs Properties window. If you choose not to install, Windows will continue to install the necessary software on your computer. There are times when you need a Windows 98 CD-ROM and reboot your computer during this process. Dial-Up Adapter: When you install the Dial-Up Networking component, the Dial-Up Adapter automatically installs as part of the process. For some reason the Dial-Up Adapter does not automatically install or you have removed from the Network dialog, then you must re-install before continuing. Open Control Panel, double click Network icon. The Windows Network dialog opens. If you do not see the Dial-Up Adapter in the component list, click Add, specify Adapter, select Microsoft, and then Dial-Up Adapter. Optionally, you can edit the Dial-Up Adapter property as any other network adapters, but you should not do so unless there are specific reasons. Configuring a Dial-Up Adapter is automatic when you set up a Windows Dial-Up Networking connection. Network protocol: Assuming that you are connected to the corporate network using Dial-Up Networking, the IPX / SPX protocol will have obvious advantages, but only other computers on the network will use that protocol. With the IPX / SPX protocol, you see and access Windows computers on the network as if you were connecting to a local area network. The Dial-Up Networking Server in Windows 95 does not have the ability to route TCP / IP packets between Dial-Up Networking clients that connect to remote computers and other computers on the corporate network. When you connect to Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking Server, you see the Dial-Up Networking Server. Assuming you have Dial-Up Networking installed for the Internet, TCP / IP is the only protocol to install. As you connect your corporate network through the RAS server (Microsoft RAS on Windows NT Server), you can use TCP / IP to access the network. Dial-Up Server: Windows 98 comes with a Dial-Up Server component that allows the computer to act as a single-port Remote Access Server. This component (located in Control PanelAdd / Remove ProgramsWindows SetupCommunications) must be installed before using Windows 98 as a dial-up server. Remote Access with Windows 98 Dial-Up Server: Finished hardware, software needed, you through the computer configuration steps into the dial-up server. Limitations of Dial-Up Server: The Windows 98 Dial-Up Server has several important limitations. The first limitation to note is that it only supports one dial-up connection at a time. Even if you connect multiple modems to your computer, you still can not handle multiple connections at the same time. You should think of Microsoft Windows NT Server with Remote Access Service (RAS) if you need to provide remote access for multiple concurrent connections. The second limitation is that Windows 98 does not support routing. Important if the Windows network is TCP / IP based, since the remote dial-up client only sees each Windows 98 machine it connects to. Assuming the Windows network is based on the IPX / SPX protocol, the remote dial-up client will see the other machine on the network and access the shared printer file. You should think of Microsoft Windows NT Sever with RAS if you need to remotely access TCP / IP or the Internet. The third limitation relates to Virtual Private Networking (VPN). VPN facilitates secure remote access by encrypting all communication between the dial-up server and the remote dial-up client. Windows 98 goes with the VPN Dial-Up Client adapters, but does not provide the server component. If you need to provide a remote VPN connection, consider Microsoft Windows NT Server with RAS. Configuring Dial-Up Server: Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop, double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon. Select the Connections menu, and then click Dial-Up Server to open the Dial-Up Server Configuration dialog box. The "No caller access" option is selected by default. To enable remote access, you must select "Allow caller access". Before you click the Apply button for a new setting to take effect, check that the remaining Dial-Up Server configuration is correct. The dialog above has 3 configurations. The initial setup allows you to specify a dial-up server ("Default", "Internet, Windows NT Server, Windows 98", or "Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT 3.1"). In most cases, you should set this as "Default". Missing Dial-Up Server has problems, try changing the setting to "PPP: Internet, Windows NT Server, Windows 98". The "Enable software compression" and "Require encrypted password" options are selected by default. You should stay there unless there is a reason to change. "Enable software compression" simply requires the computer to activate this function if supported by the client, resulting in higher performance. "Require encrypted password" prohibits the exchange of unencrypted user credentials, which only applies when all remote computers are running on Windows. Click OK to close the Server Type dialog box. The last option in the Dial-Up Server configuration dialog is Change Password. Click on Change password and enter the password. It's done. You are now ready to accept remote dialup connections. Click the Apply button to set the new configuration to take effect. Dial-Up Server displays the word "Monitoring" in the Status window while "Listening" has a phone call. When the phone rings, the dial-up server switches to the "Answering" state and the modem instructs the modem to answer the phone. As the user connects, the user name and connection time appear. The Disconnect User button works every time a user connects to the Dial-Up Server. Clicking this button will separate the user, whether they are moving the file or opening a shared file for editing. Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking Client: To connect to a network or remote computer system via a modem connection, refer to the Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking Client. Concept: The Dial-Up Networking Client manages the Dial-Up Server information that Windows 98 needs to know, including phone numbers, names, passwords, parameters, and establishes the appropriate connection. The Dial-Up Networking Client works in conjunction with the Windows 98 pre-installed network to provide the same functionality whether you connect via local area network or dial-up modem. Configuring New Dial-Up Networking Connections: Open the Dial-Up Networking dialog box. In this dialog you will see the "Make New Connection" icon, double click it. Make New Connection continues to pose a series of questions about binding, first the name given to the link. This name is only used on local systems and does not need to match the name of the remote dial-up server. Enter the name then click Next to move to the next step. Next is to enter the phone number that Windows 98 will dial to remotely connect to the system. Enter the phone number in the space provided and click Next. Click Finish to save the new binding information and create an icon in the Dial-Up Networking dialog box. Dial-Up Networking is complete but you have not configured the dial-up connection. Right-click the newly created link icon, and select Properties. The Properties window appears. At the top of the dialog box, you will see four "General" tabs, "Server Types", "Scripting" and "Multilink" tabs. In most cases, you do not necessarily set this up on all pages, but go through it to find it when you need it. The "General" page records the phone number, optionally specifies the area code and dial-up attribute, identifies the modem device that will connect when needed. The Server Types configuration page controls how it interacts with the dial-up server. Number after dial-up connection. The default "Type of Dial-Up Server" is "PPP: Internet, Windows NT Server, Windows 98", which is when you connect Windows 98 or Windows NT or RAS server and connect to peers. Internet service. You should set this up. If you want to use a different setting, ask the system administrator for more instructions. "Advanced options" have 3 options. "Log on to network" is used when you are connecting to a remote Windows network and want to log on to that network as if you were connecting to a local network. "Enable software compression" determines whether Windows is allowed to compress data before it is transmitted to the server. "Allow network protocols" contains a list of three network protocols supported by Dial-Up Networking. By default, all three protocols are selected, but you should remove the check mark next to any protocol that does not require a dial-up connection. You will not be able to connect if the protocol specified by the dialer does not support protocol rules that do not need only the additional useless bind procedure. Multilink is the ability to link two or more dial-up networking links and view them as a link. To date, Multilink has been the site of ISDN and other specialized networking hardware. Windows 98 has the ability to multilink instantly with standard dial-up modem, as long as the dial-up server supports this feature, the system administrator and system will guide you through the proper configuration. Click OK to save the settings and return to the Dial-Up Networking dialog box. To connect to a remote dial-up server: To connect the dial-up server, open the Dial-Up Networking dialog box, double-click the connection icon. The Connect to dialog box appears. This dialog box gives you the opportunity to change the connection settings before dialing. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Click the Connect button to connect. Conclude: In order to connect and see the file between two machines you need to have at least the following requirements: For remote dial-up servers: Installed: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Modem 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Dial-Up Server 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Client for Microsoft Networks 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Dial-Up Adapter 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www TCP / IP 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks In order for the client to see what is on the server, you have to share the program by right-clicking on the file or folder you want to share and selecting Sharing. The Sharing Program dialog opens. There are 3 ways to share: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Read Only (Read Only) 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Full (Full, client users can write or delete on server) 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Depends on Password You should share in Read Only mode. For remote dial-up clients: Installed: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Modem 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Client for Microsoft Networks 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Dial-Up Adapter 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www TCP / IP Option to set up Dial-Up Networking: 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Log on to network 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www Enable software compression 1 AzSoft_watermark_small.png cong-nghe? P = 1 des.txt en_metadesc.txt en_name.txt imglink.txt imglist.txt label: Some Text link_original.txt link.txt log.txt meta_desc.txt name.txt news t-142619 testimg2-0.jpg testimg2-1.jpg testimg2.jpg testimg3.jpg testimg.jpg thumb tim-hieu-excel-2016-200.jpg title_vn.txt tmp02.html tmp03.html tmp2.html tmpdesc2.txt tmpdesc3.txt tmpdesc4.txt tmpdesc5.txt tmpdesc6.txt tmpdesc7.txt tmpdesc.txt tmp.html tmpresult.txt tmptrans.txt transresult.txt www TCP / IP Use Internet Explorer to browse ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 1999 - 2000 All details, please contact: Thinh Le Sunlight group http: // sunlight / Download Documents at: http: //sunlight/documents.htm