Use Telnet Access POP3 Mail Server

Use Telnet Access POP3 Mail Server
Using Telnet to access the POP3 mail server to maintain mailboxes is possible for some ISPs, Telnet allows you to view mail, delete problem mail such as attachments that are too large, Incorrect mail format, somebody eavesdrop thousands of messages (boom-mail) ... Also Telnet is pre-installed with all Windows 9x / ME / NT / 2K / XP or Linux / Unix, MacOS. This article introduces you to Exchange commands with the POP3 server via Telnet. For example: telnet 110 This is the POP3 mail server address of FPT or you type in the POP3 mail server address of the ISP you are using. With the above command, your machine will be connected to the POP3 of the mail server just as you are connecting with Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express but here you will not get the familiar graphical interface. If you are not connected to your ISP's Mail Server please check the following: Make sure you enter the port number 110. The default port number of the machine may not be correct. -Nếu bạn bắt đầu telnet bằng Start > You must have a space between the command, the address, the port is a space, and the web browser is required to be two dots instead of white space. Trong trình telnet của Windows 95 bạn nên bật chức năng Echolog để xem những gì bạn đang đánh trong Terminal> Preference và bật thêm chức năng logging to capture message to a text file phần này nằm ở trong Terminal> Start logging. For connections and commands in telnet, each time the command is entered into telnet, the mail server responds to the following: -ERR 999 message text or + OK message text if you receive these statements, then you can type in the new commands. Note: When entering commands into telnet while connected to POP3, there is a problem that you can not use the "BackSpace" key to correct spelling errors when entering commands. Because many POP3s do not receive such commands as the "STAT" command, but you just type "STA T" and then use the backspace to repel the T key, and then POP3 will say unknow command, if you Missing the spelling of the command, just hit enter to receive the error and re-enter the command is complete but for USER and PASS you will not be allowed to write even once and the only way is to enter the quit command and capture head back to telnet. Some Telnet commands that you must use: USER (user) This is the user name that you must enter after successfully connecting to the mail server, you must enter your username such as: user 12a17 PASS (mật khẩu) This is the next section after entering the user into success, after a command to have white space to distinguish such as: pass STAT The reply of the POP3 mail server for this command will be + OK #msg #bytes where #msg is the number of mail in your mailbox. #bytes is the total mailbox size of the entire mail in your inbox. For example, + OK 3 1024 means that there are 3 letters with a total of 1024 bytes. LIST Answer is the list and capacity of each mail + OK 3 message 1,650 2 340 3,200 The first one is 650bytes and the second is 340bytes and the last is 200bytes. RETR msg # This will send you the message number you want, # the number you have seen in the LIST command, such as RETR 2, you will receive a second mail with a capacity of 340bytes TOP msg # #lines This is an option for POP3 but not all POP3 servers will support this command. msg # it will list the header of each message and #line will list the first line of the message. The header of a message will include the address of the recipient and the sender (which will include the IP address). This header can also be viewed in Outlook and Outlook Express. For example : TOP 1 0 means the header of the first message and no lines. TOP 1 5 will display the message header 1 and the first 5 lines of this message. DELE #msg This will remove the message number that you choose, which can help you remove any mail that you suspect is a problem, but it only works when you type quit. RSET This command allows you to retrieve the messages you have deleted as long as you have not used the QUIT command Fl ks This will clear all the messages DELE made and disconnect the POP3 server. For Windows 2K or XP, you can go to the Command Prompt to do telnet.