Activate Wi-Fi Calling on iOS 10

Activate Wi-Fi Calling on iOS 10
Wifi Calling is a feature that allows iPhone users to receive or send messages, calls anywhere if the device has Wi-Fi connection. Apple added this feature first on iOS 8. And to iOS 10 (iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus), this feature is still integrated and used. By default, the Wifi Calling feature is on iOS 10 is disabled, so to use this feature you must conduct the activation. After activating Wifi Calling, you can use Wifi Calling to make calls as well as send free SMS just to your iPhone phone with Wifi connection. Kích hoạt Wi-Fi Calling trên iOS 10

Steps to enable WiFi Calling on iOS 10 (iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus):

To enable WiFi Calling on iOS 10 (iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus), follow these steps: Step 1 Open the app Settings on your iPhone. Step 2 Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Phone Step 3 Click Next Wifi Calling Step 4 Transfer status Wifi Calling on This Phone to ON. Chuyển trạng thái Wifi Calling on This Phone sang ON. So you have activated Wifi Calling on your iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus. Good luck!