How to download free apps for free on iPhone / iPad

How to download free apps for free on iPhone / iPad
Not all apps on the App Store are free so we can download them. Some applications we will need to pay from 1 to several dollars, but even there will be many applications you need to pay several dozen dollars. However, we may be able to download paid applications for free in a limited time, thanks to a number of support tools. If you are looking for a way to download paid applications without losing any money, try some of the ways in the article below.

1. Download the iOS app on the intermediary site:

Some websites now support iOS device users who can find and download applications for free. We can go to some websites like , ...

Tải ứng dụng miễn phí iOS

Users just need to visit the website and search for the application they want to download. These applications will be scheduled on a daily basis so that we can easily search. In addition, any new or updated applications will be listed on the side of the app, along with versions of individual applications and games that you can easily check.

Tải ứng dụng iOS

2. Download AppZapp free app manager:

In addition to sites that aggregate free apps and games on iOS, we can also download some apps right from the App Store to see what apps are free. Among them, there is AppZapp application manager and free app for iPad.

Tải ứng dụng miễn phí iOS

At the end of each week, the Apple Store will summarize the free, discounted applications so that users can know and then download the device. We just look at the words Free app of the week In some applications, it means that the application is completely free to download. At the end of each week, just look at the list of applications to find and download completely free.

Tải ứng dụng miễn phí

Here are some of the sites or apps that support iOS devices that can check, search and download paid apps for free. The fact that we search, as well as download applications through reputable websites or applications, will be more secure than your use of mod or hack applications, which endangers the device.

Please refer to the following articles:

Hope the above article is useful to you!